What is a horoscope?

What is a horoscope?

What is a horoscope?

Horoscope is the 12 division of the sky. In India, three types of chart are followed–North Indian, South Indian and East Indian. North Indian charts are mainly used though all types of charts interpret the same thing.
These are the twelve blocks that you can see in the below chart. Each block are house. 

The first house of the horoscope (mentioned as number 1) is ascendant. From ascendant we count in anticlockwise direction to analyze the chart. Ascendant is the house of utmost importance because the ascendant shows the life path and personality of the native. Ascendant house is also known as first house or rising house. The ascendant house points the east direction and Sun rises in the east so everything begins with ascendant house.

There are twelve houses in astrology. Each house is 30 degree long. So the total number of degree 30 degree *12= 360 degree. So a 360 degree forms a complete circle. Our earth is round and 360 degree is the sky above our head. Ancient sages divided the sky into twelve parts and each part in astrology are called houses. Each house signifies different activities of human life. First house signifies life path and personality, second house shows family so like that the list goes on till 12 houses.

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