horoscope analysis

How planets cause illness

Any malefics, sun, mars, rahu, ketu, saturn in fifth or eleventh house causes stomach problem.
Sun is for vision, sun in second house causes right eye problem and in twelfth house causes left eye problem, if aspected by malefic like Mars, rahu, saturn, it can cause severe eye problem.

Diseases caused by planets in Vedic astrology

The trik, dustana or evil houses (6th,8th,12th) and planets related to the house plays an important role in deciding the health of the native. Sixth house decides the lower abdomen problem, Eighth house represents chronic diseases and twelfth house represents hospitalization.

Neech bhang Raj yoga

When a debilitated planet is sitting with an exalted planet or if the lord of the house is exalted then a debilitated planet is no longer weak and becomes very powerful. Again nothing gets cancelled and everything is addition in astrology.

How to read a navamsa Chart

Every D chart should be read as an independent chart. The D9 chart shows the purpose of life of an individual and how his life will be in the later part of life. So generally D9 chart is seen as the chart for marriage.

What is a horoscope?

What is a horoscope? Horoscope is the 12 division of the sky. In India, three types of chart are followed–North Indian, South Indian and East Indian. North Indian charts are mainly used though all types of charts interpret the same thing.These are the twelve blocks that you can see in the below chart. Each block …

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Basic interpretation of birth chart

At a beginner level and as astrologer enthusiast every astrologer doubts how to start analysis of a chart. Should we start analysis from first house and then go house wise or there are other ways round

Badhakesh in astrology

In vedic astrology, Badhakesh is the planet that cause obstacles for the native. To check Badhakesh in astrology one needs to first check if the sign is dual, fixed, movable. Because depending on the nature of the sign of the ascendant the position of badhakesh will change. For all movable sign badhakesh is the eleventh …

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Drekkana chart/ Dreshkamsa chart

Drekkana chart/ Dreshkamsa chart is the chart for younger siblings, bravery, diseases, sudden onset, hands, creativity, past birth and present life, nature. There are 36 dreshkana as there are 12 signs. For brother we see planet mars and for sister primarily venus and then mercury. So as per brihat parashar hora shastra from ascendant lord …

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