Moon in Aquarius in different houses

Moon is in the sign of scientific thinking and working for higher cause or serving humanity. So these people always loves to work for higher cause. They are unconventional.

Astrology test #3

What is the life path of the native? What career and marriage predictions we can conclude from the chart?

Separation and divorce in marriage

The planet is hot in nature. If sun is afflicted, ill placed or connected to 7th house, it will impact the marriage. As Sun is ego, ego clashes and dominating nature can impact the marriage. As sun is a hot planet, it burns some of the qualities of the house where it is placed.

Astrology test #2

Why this woman has troubled marriage? How will be her Jupiter Mahadasha in her 30s?

Astrology test #1

What the conjunctions and aspects indicates? It shows the person can get married lately in their 30s. Spouse is matured and elder than the native. Their ego, self confidence develops in later part of life. They can have duty/responsibility of home and they can have issues with government in career in early part of life. …

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Moon in Sagittarius in Vedic astrology

The person has knowledge oriented mind. They look for higher knowledge, wisdom and is always a student who keeps on learning new things in entire life. The person is a born preacher.

Moon in Scorpio in Vedic astrology

Moon in Scorpio gets debilitated at 3 degree. Moon in Scorpio becomes very research oriented and they are very intense or passionate in matter of love. They can be a professional occultist and mystic or anyone in research field. It shows sudden dramatic events in the life of the person.

Moon in Libra in Vedic astrology

The native finds peace of mind while dealing with business or if they are in relationship. Harmony in relationship is very important to get the balance of mind. Quality of moon quality increases in this sign.

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