Raj yoga

When lord of Kendra houses (1, 4, 7,10) and lord of trikona houses (1, 5, 9) are in conjunction with each other or aspecting each other in kendra or trikona house, it forms a Raj yoga. For example: For Aries ascendant, if lord of first house which is Mars conjunct with lord of fifth house, Sun in tenth house. So, Mars and Sun forms a Raj yoga in Capricorn in tenth house.

The yoga gives excellent result in first house or ascendant and tenth house.

Let’s consider another example as per ascendant. For Aquarius ascendant

Read: Kemdrum yoga

the kendra houses

  1. The sign Aquarius rules the first house. Saturn is the ruler of first house.
  2. The sign Taurus rules the 4th house. Venus is the ruler of fourth house.
  3. The sign Leo rules the 7th house. Sun is the ruler of seventh house
  4. 10th house is ruled by Scorpio. Mars is the ruler of tenth house.

Trikona house

  1. 1st house is ruled by Aquarius sign. Saturn is the ruler of first house.
  2. The sign Gemini rules the fifth house. Mercury is the ruler of Fifth house.
  3. The sign of Libra rules the ninth house. Venus isnthe ruler of ninth house.

So, whenever, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars are in conjunction with each other in kendra or trikona house, it forms a Raj yoga.

The result of raj yoga is visible during the dasha antardasha of the planets and also the planets should be in correct degrees and sign. Strong raj yoga always depends on the degrees and signs. Then one will live a life like king as Raj means king and hence Raj yoga.

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