Jupiter in eighth house

Jupiter in Cancer in all houses

Jupiter in cancer shows the s/he is highly learned, wise person. S/he is approachable and willing to share knowledge. S/he can be teacher, preacher. Even if the person is not professionally a teacher in academics

Jupiter in Gemini in all houses

Jupiter in Gemini shows the native is action oriented and loves to collect information that can help him/her to gain knowledge. S/he can be a teacher, writer, philanthropist, or professor.

Jupiter in Taurus in all houses

The wealth of the native would gradually improve with time. The native is a pleasant speaker. The native can be a good teacher in wealth related field or can be a wealth/fund manager.

Jupiter in Aries in all houses

The native can be a motivational speaker with fiery speech. It shows the native is always active and can be a good athlete or coach. But the native will motivate others for his own benefit or to be recognized.

Debilitated Jupiter or Afflicted Jupiter in astrology

Jupiter represents wealth, knowledge, wisdom, family, celebration, children, marriage, education, spirituality, religious acts, life force. Here is the detailed analysis of debilitated Jupiter or afflicted Jupiter in astrology Debilitated Jupiter in astrology Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn because Jupiter is all about wisdom and sharing knowledge while Capricorn is law and order. So Jupiter as …

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Jupiter saturn conjunction/ saturn jupiter conjunction in all houses

Jupiter is the planet of knowledge and wisdom whereas Saturn is the planet of boundaries and restrictions. Jupiter is all about expansion and Saturn is all about contraction. So people with this conjunction always switch in the dilemma of expansion and contraction which means sometimes they are very optimistic and sometimes they are very pessimistic. …

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Jupiter in Aquarius in all houses

Jupiter in Aquarius shows working on large organization. S/he loves to uplift society and bring them to middle class. S/he can be good political leader, financial adviser who can uplift society in a monetary

Jupiter in all houses

Jupiter is one of the largest planet in solar system. It is also one of the most benefic planet in vedic astrology. The planet Jupiter represents wealth, knowledge, optimism, wisdom, family, celebration, children, marriage, education, spirituality. Jupiter is exalted in cancer and debilitated in Capricorn. The planet rules Sagittarius and Pisces. A strong Jupiter helps …

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